Political Forum and News of Indonesia

Indonesia Discussion Forum On Line
One of  very scarce 'open' discussion on political & human right issues with supported photos/pictures.

News Indonesia
News  and  Views  INDONESIA  "on-line" is based  on the  monthly  8-page  bulletin  offering  a comprehensive
digest of events and developments  affecting Indonesia, both from a domestic and international perspective.

Current Focus
Mostly about Indonesian-Chinese (Tionghoa)  in Indonesia.  This  is  one  media  for  them  to  express  to the
world their feelings, about how the  moeslems treat them. This media is really the  only  one they can turn to  especially during the time of Suharto leadership. News, articles, letters and other related resources covering
the riots  and  scapegoating. This 'Current Focus' is a really 'woth it to look at' site  as  most of  its  stuff  are
not published in other media.